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Why do I need to add a surgeon?

     You must always have a surgeon selected within the platform. In fact, at no point will you ever not have a surgeon selected. This is why we ask you to add your first surgeon before you can do…

How do I start a case?

1 From the “Cases” tab in 1 Team, tap any case created. If you have added steps to the case setup and assembly, you will see them here. 2 To see the substeps associated with a step, simply tap the…

How do I add a case?

1 1 Team will always open to the “Cases” tab. Here we can change the surgeon we want to add the case to by tapping the name of the current surgeon. This will bring up a list of all the…

How do I switch surgeons?

1 There are two main ways to select different surgeons. First, from the “Cases” tab you can tap your current surgeons name. This will bring up a list of all the surgeons associated with your team. 2 The second way…